For Churches, Groups, and Organizations
Whether your team is in crisis mode, in the middle of a transition, or seeking preventative care, we believe this pathway to spiritual & emotional health will benefit your team, your church, and your community.
Group Options
If your team needs help working through a specific issue, a House Call will provide a multi-day focused time with a BRM Counselor or Professional Coach at your location. Your team will experience a tailored approach to process the needs at hand and begin moving forward.
The Unhindered Clinical Instrument (UCI) empowers church leaders to strengthen their ministry teams through deeper emotional and spiritual health assessment. This transformative tool reveals valuable insights about each team member’s story, heart, and how they show up in life and leadership. Through expert-led individual or group debriefs, your staff will gain clarity on their unique strengths and areas for growth. Equip your team with actionable recommendations that foster personal transformation and enhance your church’s ministry effectiveness.
When staff members feel that they are part of something purposeful and healthy, they are much more likely to do their best work and stay longer.
Isn’t it great when everyone gets along? But the reality is that people do not always agree. Learning how to stay unified in various situations is possible for your team.
A healthy ministry means a greater impact for the Kingdom. And, you and your leaders have the greatest impact when you are healthy and working together.
Burnout & Turnover
“It could simply be the tool and the resource that god uses to help many of your staff lean in in this next season for where he’s calling you to go.”
Jud Wilhite
Lead Pastor, Central Church, Las Vegas
Since the beginning, BRM has been providing professional Intensive Counseling to Christian leaders. Our mission has helped thousands of worldwide Christian leaders live well, lead well and finish well.
Have questions about counseling?
You can invest in your team’s emotional and spiritual health by creating a culture of care and a rhythm of engagement that promotes a strong team culture, encourages staff retention, and heightens the overall impact your team makes. The return of a healthy team will be greater than the financial investment you make. If you stay on top of emotional and spiritual health with your team, you can prevent things like crises, burnout, and undealt-with conflict from robbing your team of excellence and longevity. We want all leaders to finish well!
The name Blessing Ranch came from two sources. “Blessing” originated with the Old Testament concept of the blessing that seemed fitting to describe the intended impact of our ministry. “Ranch” was fitting to the 166 acre property in northern Colorado that served as our home from its origin in 1994 until 2014. While our ministry began on a ranch in Colorado, we are currently in an office location in Lutz, FL. While the setting has changed, the care we provide has not.
Choices can sometimes make things hard. We get it! Just complete this form and we can guide you to what would be best.